Public Speaking: Millennials Express Themselves Through Facebook, Instagram And YouTube

Millennials normally spend a lot of time on different social media platforms. They use this as a tool in communication, post photos and at the same time in expressing themselves. Through Facebook Live, Instagram Videos, Snapchat, and YouTube, millennials use them to enhance their public speaking skills.

It is uncommon to hear someone who suffers from glossophobia or fear of public speaking. According to Statistic Brain, 74% of people suffer from it. A lot of millennials belong to the said group. Millennials do try hard in developing their public speaking skills, especially when they are in school. Being able to speak up in front of a group is important in any structured school setting and also in one’s career.

In today’s world of modern technology, millennials get to express themselves in different ways. Ways that are convenient and comfortable for them. According to Forbes, today’s generation is used to communicating via text messaging, Facebook messenger, emoji and social media. This is a reality that we can no longer avoid because of modernization. Given that, it makes it harder for them to present themselves in front of a group or larger audience.

However, in reality, millennials are already engaging in public speaking through actively using social media platforms. Through using Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat and the likes, millennials get to express their thoughts and convey their feelings. Through taking live videos, they get to speak their minds. Unconsciously, they are already engaging in public speaking, hence the need to stand or sit in front of an audience.

Kristi Dosh, Public Speaker and Founder of Guide My Brand, shared that “Millennials may not realize it, but many engage in public speaking every day, albeit through platforms like Facebook Live and YouTube.”

Dosh added, “While there are still many advantages to getting on a stage and speaking to an audience you can shake hands with afterward, public speaking as a skill is still an easy way to stand out from the crowd and develop your personal brand.”

There are already ways in order to develop one’s public speaking skills. If it helps that millennials use their smartphones, tablets and other gadgets in doing it then so be it. What is important is that are able to overcome their fear.

Meanwhile, Jobs & Hire reported that Facebook remains to be the primary social media website that millennials use.

Facebook, Instagram