Twitter Fights Back Against Bullies And Abusers

Cyber bullying is very rampant in today’s modern world. The attack on social media websites is already getting out of hand. And now, Twitter is taking actions in trying to fight back against bullies and abusers.

Twitter’s Vice President of Engineering, Ed Ho explained in his blog post the actions they are doing in order to achieve their goal of making Twitter a safe place. Ho pointed out that they believe in the freedom of expression, however, when abuse comes in they will no longer tolerate it.

The social networking website started working out its campaign against cyberbullying since November 2016. Last week, they were able to share the improvements when it comes to reporting abusive tweets.

And now, new changes were made wherein those people who have been suspended because of their bad behaviors will no longer be able to create a new account. This is mostly intended for those accounts that are only created in order cause trouble and harass other people. They are trying to identify those people who are permanently suspended. However, Twitter did not specify how they will be able to do it.

Another step is that they will introduce safe search results. This action will remove tweets with sensitive contents and at the same time those tweets that came from blocked accounts. And lastly, Twitter will be collapsing those tweets that are potentially abusive as well as those that they will identify as low-quality replies. In doing so, more of the relevant tweets will be brought forward. The change is said to be visible in the coming weeks.

According to Fortune, those low-quality replies are those confrontational tweets that came from a new account with only a few followers. It is an account created specifically to attack a certain person. Doing this would be very challenging for Twitter given the number of tweets they receive. But through new technology development, the social networking site will be able to monitoring accordingly the tweets being sent.

Meanwhile, Jobs & Hire reported that during President Trump’s meeting with technology company executives, Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey was not invited. Trump’s team thinks that Twitter is just “too small” to be invited to the said meeting.

Twitter, Cyber attack