Survey Says Young People Got The Lower End of The Paying Scale

Old people grumble that young people are complaining too much. However, it seems that the young generation has pretty much every right to protest and whine especially when it comes to salary.

It appears that young people are not getting the same pay that the older generation did at the same age. The difference between the salary levels is causing financial distress to young people, as reported by Mirror based on a survey.

Young people are more likely to have concerns regarding job opportunities and career prospects. They are the ones who are feeling the negative impact of the economic downturn that hit most markets in the previous decades.

The weak economy is offering little to no opportunities to the young people when it comes to career advancement. They have to make do with jobs that offer lesser pay in order to get by.

As a result, young people have to save for their retirement way earlier than old people did. According to the survey, people age beyond 45 years have rosier outlook when it comes to the future than young people.

As 70% of career salary growth should happen during the first 10 years of employment, the low pay is putting young people under financial pressure. Survey results show that young people will be the first generation to earn lesser than their parents.

It could also be true that young people are more prone to hop from one job to another, thus hindering any career salary growth. The urge to try new things is stronger for young people compared to those old people who have more responsibilities.

The Chronicle Herald reported that employers can help young people stay on their chosen career paths by showing them that their company supports growth and offers tremendous opportunities. It does not also hurt if companies do not underpay their staff.

For job seekers, Jobs & Hire previously reported how to determine if the company that wants to hire you would be a perfect fit to your career plans and goals.

Wage Gap