Career Tips And Advice: When Not To Talk About Your Horrible Boss

While most employees do complain about unreasonable bosses, some make a habit out of it. Some employees feel that by letting out their grievances to another person, they are reducing the stress that they feel for having a terrible boss or working on a horrible business environment.

Complaining might make employees feel much lighter right after especially when something productive comes from it like receiving a well thought of advice from a colleague. However, most often than not, complaining to other people about a horrible boss will only stress them out and it will not directly address the problem.

If complaining cannot be stopped, then employees should at least know when not to talk about their dreadful boss. While other people might understand the problem, some will probably think that employees would rather complain than tell their bosses about their complaints. This does not reflect well on the employee since it suggests a lack of communication skills.

According to a report by Forbes, an employee who tells his or her future employer about the unforgivable sins of his or her previous boss could backfire on the employee. If an employee can go around spouting complaints about his or her previous boss, chances are he or she might do the same with the prospective employer. During interviews, it is best to highlight strengths and potential contribution to the new company rather than spent the entire hour talking badly about previous bosses or companies.

It is also not advisable to complain about terrible bosses during a break with colleagues. Gossips can easily fly around the office, and they can negatively affect an employee's career, especially when they reach the ears of bosses.

For employers who are looking for new jobs, Jobs & Hire previously reported that some careers, including director of information technology and product manager can offer both happiness and high salary.
