Have you heard about SMART goals? The popular acronym stands for Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, and it's a highly helpful framework for setting and reaching your goals. The problem that many people face with their goals is that sometimes they are too lofty, vague, or they don't have an end date. Many people feel unhappy or adrift without something to work towards to guide them to different milestones.
When you work with SMART goals, you figure out what you want to achieve and you commit to it in a way that is tangible and measurable. What steps do you need to take to attain your goal? What obstacles might you encounter along the way? As you put in the work to accomplish your goal, keep track of the steps you've taken and what you're getting done as a way to stay motivated and focused.
Financial Goals
When you apply this mentality to your financial goals, especially in combination with personal finance tips that really help, you can make all sorts of things happen. You can pay off long-standing debts or at least start paving the way to paying off your debt one day.
You can grow your savings or start an investment fund. You can make long-term plans for education. You can save up for something you've wanted for years like a new car or a vacation. Continue reading to learn about attainable financial goals and how you can set them.
What Matters to You?
This is the first thing you need to consider when planning what you want to achieve in your finances. What is essential to you and your lifestyle? What is the most urgent? What do you envision down the line, even if it seems too whimsical? Consider what is within reach at the time of goal setting, what will take time, and what will require multi-part or long-term planning. Then build your goals using the SMART method and record them.
There Will Be Setbacks
In 2017, a poll of Canadian employees revealed that almost half of Canadians were living paycheque to paycheque with one third of those polled saying they felt overwhelmed by their debt. In 2018, fewer Canadians (44%) reported they were living paycheque to paycheque, but that's still a serious statistic considering the number of emergency situations that could arise at any moment.
Those with steady sources of income who need help in a pinch can turn to short-term online loans (also known as payday loans) from GoDay as an alternative to conventional borrowing. When there are hiccups along the way and life throws you a curve ball, easy payday loans can offer relief for those who need it.
Stay on Track
Recording your progress and marking your successes is an important step in reaching your goals, especially those with multiple parts to them. With the help of a planner, ledger, financial software or budgeting app for your smartphone, you can keep clear and transparent notes on how you're doing. Try sharing your goals with someone you trust and they can check in with you every now and then to keep you accountable. Good luck!