There are a lot of people who opt to pass the exams offered by CompTIA for the first time and this is the reason that they are often confused about various things related to it. It is true that the certification exams can be a little confusing for the people who are giving them for the first time. CompTIA A+ 220-902 exam is no exception. If you are a fresher and want to know how you can register yourself for the exam, here is what you can do.
What Is CompTIA A+ 220-902 Exam?
CompTIA A+ 220-902 exam is the last step for any person who wants to get CompTIA A+ certification. The A+ certification is for the people who want to have entry level positions and want to get jobs in the bigger companies and make their career in the IT field. This exam is one of the two steps that need to be cleared to get certified. The candidates have to clear the 220-901 exams before they can go for 220-902 exams. This is one of the stepping stones towards success for the fresher's.
What Should a Fresher Know?
Here are some of the important things about CompTIA A+ 220-902 exam that every fresher should know before they register:
- The Eligibility
All the candidates who have passed 220-901 exams successfully are eligible to sit for 220-902 exams. Apart from this there are no other eligibility criteria. It is important to note that the candidates can pass both of these exams on the same day.
- The Pattern
The exam pattern is pretty basic. The candidates will be given 90 questions per paper. They will have to finish solving the 90 questions within 90 minutes. The questions are multiple choices and are based on the practical as well as theoretical understanding of the concept.
- The Syllabus
The syllabus that the candidates need to know thoroughly in order to pass the exam is as follows:
- Windows operating system;
- Other operating systems and technologies;
- Security;
- Software troubleshooting;
- Operational procedures.
The questions are asked from each of these topics in equal proportions hence the candidates should be prepared well.
- The Fee
The fee of giving CompTIA exam is $211 USD. If you do not live in America, you will have to pay a different fee since it changes according to the country. The amount stays the same more or less, the conversion is applied.
Steps to Register for the Exam
Once you have decided to register for the exam, you have to follow these steps given below:
- Decide you want to pass the exam and know the syllabus for it. You will have to go to the official website and the page to get the exact syllabus. Read it properly and know whether or not you are aware of the things that are mentioned in it.
- Once you have seen the syllabus, make a plan as to when you can end the preparation and when should you be setting a date for your exam.
- Go to the official CompTIA website and fill in the form. Enter all your details carefully so that your application is not rejected. You will be directed to the payment page and once that happens, pay your fee through debit card, credit card, net banking or any other method that is given.
- You will now receive a ticket that you have to carry on the day of the exam and you have been successfully registered.
Important Things You Should Know
There are a few points that the entire fresher should know if they are giving this exam for the first time or this is their first exam from A+ Practice Test 220-902.
- Register Well in Advance
The first step is to register for the exam well in advance. You should be able to register for the exam as early as possible so that the time you get to prepare is enough. Only register when you feel that most of your preparation is over and all you need to do is revise. You can even register for a date a few months in the future so that you are thorough with the study.
- Always Check the Syllabus
Do not start the preparation without consulting the syllabus. The syllabus that is given on the official CompTIA website is the one that is important for the exam. All the topics are clearly mentioned. The first thing you should do when you start preparing is keep a copy of the syllabus with you and read it whenever you need to.
- Find Authentic Study Material
There are a few websites who claim to provide you with 100% success in the exam which is misleading. As a fresher or someone who wants to score well in the exam, these kinds of advertisements can be really tempting but you should not fall for them. CompTIA has a long history or creating exams and they do it with a lot of research. The exam papers are kept confidential and there is no way that someone can guarantee you 100% success unless you study hard and do it yourself.
- Pay The Fee Only On the Official Website
Another mistake that some of the fresher's making is paying the fee on fake websites. There are a lot of websites that ask the students to register for the exam on them. The only real website is the official CompTIA website and the candidates should know that the others are only scamming them for their money and if they want to keep their bank accounts safe, they should avoid paying at them.
You must have now gotten a pretty good idea about the exam and how you can pass it without any mistakes as a fresher. You should be well prepared since this is not an easy exam and unless you have studied well, you will not be able to pass it. So, be prepared and do well.