How To Improve Credit Points: Nielsen Survey Defines Tips On How to Earn a Positive Credit Score

NewYork- Neilsen survey agency released their recent statistical data result with regards to the improvement of USA's atm card holder credit score.

According to the result, a decreased of almost 15% of credit debt since 2009, that ballooned to almost in $20,000 in every household, decline to $15,000.

Some find it as good news, but according to Nielsen, the said result is misleading as improvement of credit points cannot be attained overnight, "we want to clarify that we are comparing result, based on a 2009 credit score and today, so improvement needs time", Jonah Keller, Nielsen statistical analyst.

In a press release statement, Nielsen Inc. shared eleven tips on how to earn a positive credit score.

According to them, paying bigger debts first is a good step in increasing chances to have a good credit points standing, "paying your bills, especially the big ones prevents ballooning of unpaid bills", George White stated, Nielsen CEO.

In addition, they said that if you have delayed unpaid bills, you can have a sweet chit chat with your lending agency, "you can use your charisma and have some sweet blah with your money lender folks", George giggly added.

It is also recommendable to pay more than the minimum of your credit card balance, as few have known that paying minimum is like doing your agency a favor.

They also emphasize the importance of visiting site such as, in which one can view their credit point standing.

Nielsen Inc. also shared the idea of being an authorize user with the use of your spouse or parent's credit card account.

"Never trust your credit card report", George added. He pointed out that one must check their credit card report for any error and immediately fix it, "prevention is better than cure" he added.

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