Curved iPhone Being Developed By Apple, To Be Released Next Year: Is Apple Threatened By Samsung's Curved Features?

With the previous two iPhones released, rumors about the upcoming iPhones are already circulating.

Reports have surfaced about the next geneeration of iphones: that they will have larger, curved screens, and more enhanced touch sensors that sense varying levels of pressure. it is observed to have come as a response to smartphone competitors such as LG and Samsung, both of whom have come up with curved smartphones.
A reliable source has reported that the new iphone will feature 4.7 and 5.5 inch screens, moving them closer to the phone slash tablet territory. The displays will alse be curved at the edges, and can distinguish between a light and a hard touch.

While Apple still develops the curved iPhone, they have declined to comment on the purpose of their cuved features, and would only say that the curved iPhone may be released sometime next year.

Apple will have to find ways of catching up. Commpetitors Samsung and LG have come out with innovative smartphone technnology in the gap between Apple iPhone releases. Samsung has already debuted the Galaxy Round, with a 5.7 inch screen that can bend around its vertical axis. LG has come up with the G Glex, with 6 inch screens that bends on the horizontal axis, and a self-healing plastic back that repairs scratches in minutes.

IPhone, Tech, Technology, News, Smartphone