As with the rest of his Fast and the Furious family, Dwayne Johnson took to social media to express his grief over the untimely death of actor Paul Walker. The two shared a special bond as they were both family men and had a soft side for their respective daughters. The wrestler-turned-actor took to Instagram to articulate how important family is and how one should cherish them while they are still around.
Dwayne Johnson writes: "Losing a loved one jolts our hearts to the core. It also has a very special way of helping us move forward to live & love as greatly as possible. Hug our loved ones a little tighter. Pray a little stronger. Work a little harder. Smile a little bigger. Life goes on and memories are forever cherished..." with the hashtag PW for the late actor's initials. His message was accompanied by a sweet picture of the two with arms around each other, truly looking like a family.
Dwayne Johnson also recounted how at the shooting of fast 5 the two became good friends as they had both spent some time on show business at that point and they would often stress on the importance of spending quality time with their families and being excellent fathers to their daughters.
Dwayne Johnson told Entertainment Weekly that the first thought he had after hearing of Walker's death was of Paul's daughter, Meadow. He states that he can only hope that father and daughter's last memories were "beautiful and strong and an amazing memory."
Lastly he gives an account of how tightly knit the fast and the Furious group of actors was- professional in front of the camera but often filled with frenetic energy between takes. He remembers Walker as a very warm and kindly authority on the set.