Before, Pluto was part of the Solar System. But then, after several research, it was considered to be a dwarf planet. And now, scientists continue their study there are existing life in Pluto.
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Just a month after the premiere of "Beauty and the Beast" next year, Emma Watson will play the role of Mae Holland in "The Circle." A girl who happens to be an instant celebrety after sharing her thoughts and experiences to millions of people. But then, this fame has consequnces.
DC Films are one of the anticipated movies in this generation. However, it is said that, the delayed released of the movies is because of the sequels. Should DC Film stop making sequels and focus in making new movies instead?
In a certain jobs, there are habit that you are used to do every time. These may be good, or sometimes bad. Giving more and giving less is not good at all. Sometimes, all you need to do is to balance everything to achieve all your goals.
For those who are anticipating for the release of "Wind Waker 2," this is probably not gonna happen anymore. The reason why is kind of shocking. Though, there will still be "Twilight Princess."
Niantic Labs and Sprint seems to have a surprise; the said companies will have a conference tomorrow (December 7) to announce for something new. On the other hand, there are rumors that the 2nd Generation of Pokemon will arrive this coming Thursday?
Though the Samsung Galaxy S8 is not yet released, there are many rumors about the newest features and specification of the device. Just recently, it was reported that the device will probably come up with two sizes.
Maintaining the trust of your customers when you have a business is very important. Make sure that you know what are their needs and be reliable. Building your credibility and earning their trust is one of the way to make your company more successful.
The Season 1 finale of HBO TV series "Westworld," gave a satisfying and unbelievable twist on the ending. However, there are still left questions that needs an answer.
Despite of having a lot of issues about Kanye West's condition for the past weeks, his wife Kim Kardashian continues to support him and she has no plan on leaving her husband's side as she says; she loves him.
There are still consumers that continue to complain about the explosive Note 7 and asking for compensation. However, Samsung company will not give any additional compensation for the customers.
Even though a lot of rumors are spreading between the royal couples, there are still moments that proves that these two are more that just anything else. They are best friends since the beginning!
Every successful business owners have certain life hacks. Find out some of these tips so that you can use it in your career this coming 2017.
As time goes by, technology continue to improve. This 2016, find out what are its biggest impact on the world as the year soon to close.
The trailer was released last Saturday (December 3, 2016), and it showed a lot of Baby Groot's appearance. He was also seen in the trailers that he is saving Rocket Raccoon and Yondu. Is Baby Groot the new hero of the upcoming movie?
It is just less than a year before the "Justice League," but there are already news and other speculation on the plot, characters, and villains. Now, another rumor spread that notorious "The Suicide Squad" villains will join the movie.
"Sense 8" Season 2 will premiere on May 2017, it is still moths away from now. However, Netflix also announced about the Christmas Special of the series. It will tackle about the eight characters about finding their deeper connections, and knowing more secrets with each other by continuing their journey.
Ad blockers are blocked now. Netflix promote "Black Mirror" and it can now detect the users with installed ad blocker.
Everyone have struggles in life, especially the struggle to be successful. Life may never be easy sometimes, but in order to achieve your goals, you have to believe in yourself and have that belief of the successful entrepreneurs.
Samsung galaxy S8 will be coming soon. Here are the some new concept and features that you need to know on this new device.