Cara Delevingne Slams Facebook For Advocating Cyber Bullying; Model Not Happy About New Emojis

Cara Delevingne has openly slammed the popular social network Facebook for introducing new emoji reactions. The model claimed that this kind of feature allows cyber bullying.

When Facebook's emoji reactions were introduced last week, a lot of Facebook members were excited to have something that would reflect their reactions to online social media posts. Mark Zuckerberg has been apparently cooking up a way to make his billion-dollar social network much more interactive, but what he probably does not (or maybe he does know) is that Facebook has introduced an ability for friends to ruin friendships - maybe without knowing it.

And that's exactly what Delevingne thinks. Although it's a far cry from a "dislike button," she thinks it's still something that can push the boundaries of cyber bullying.

Delevingne recently talked about how the "dislike button" would turn friends against friends and how it would become a means of petty immature bullying instead of the means to express disapproval. "If you can go around disliking someone's pictures, that is going to set off a whole new wave of bullying," she said.

According to a recent study, about 26% of students are victims of internet bullying at some point in their lives. This kind of statistics show that young people face a toxic social epidemic online. Delevingne continues to slam Facebook regarding this decision. "These companies are making so much money, they just want the new thing. If it's something that's going to cause people harm, I really think we should steer against that," the supermodel said.

Mark Zuckerberg has not officially commented on the matter.

Cara Delevingne, Facebook, Entertainment, Social media