Were You Wrongfully Terminated? Here Is How To Figure Out If You Were Discriminated Against

When you get fired, it is important for you to figure out and soon whether you were fired rightfully or not, which in turn will help you decide whether you should fight back or move on. Monster lists some laws that should protect you from being wrongfully terminated.

Getting fired is stressful and emotionally traumatic and is going to feel a little bit like you are worthless and won't survive it. But you will, and you must. Knowing the difference between being illegally laid off and unfairly fired will help you.
Seeing a layoff from an objective point of view is hard for anyone who has been the subject of a termination. All you have to do (and this is difficult) is to lay bare the facts and only the facts of your termination. Once you do that, you can figure out whether or not you were illegally fired.
In general, companies (as well as you) have free will, which means you can be fired (or you can quit) whenever you or the company wants. But this does not mean that companies do not have to follow federal and state employment laws that take care of issues like discrimination, whistleblowing and termination notices.

But of the laws that protect employees from being wrongfully terminated is discrimination.

Here is how you can tell if you were discriminated against: If there is even one other reason why you were laid off, it likely wasn't discrimination.

But racial issues, or ageist issues or even gender issues being the sole reason for why you were terminated is a red flag.

If, however, you are a woman and also a lazy employee, it isn't discrimination, just like it isn't discriminating to fire someone and hire two people for the same salary who do twice the work one person used to do.
