’Warcraft 2’ News: Director Duncan Jones Explains Movie Franchise

After "Warcraft" was released, that didn't stop fans from asking if "Warcraft 2" is in the works. Director Duncan Jones has been fielding questions about the potential sequel.

Duncan Jones knows that "Warcraft" is a stepping point for the franchise. He further explained that he knows what he needed to do. He explained to Man Made Movies that the first film enabled him to segue into a movie that could provide a platform for a bigger franchise. "I know that my job in this first film is to establish certain characters, places and culture while telling a story that a broad audience can be excited by! Hopefully, if I have done my job right, people will want to know and see more! There is certainly plenty more to tell!," he explained.

With "Warcraft" just newly released, it may be too early to talk about "Warcraft 2." The production of the second film is over 14 months away. But Legendary Pictures already knows that the initial movie will sprout a potential franchise and more installments.

When Duncan Jones was given the responsibility to adapt the longtime running most popular video game ever into the big screen, he made sure to bring together a stellar cast to form The Alliance and The Horde. And he was able to do that with a modest budget. He was able to take on the challenge with limited resources and the fact that he is talking about a potential "Warcraft 2" just suggests that it's going to be so good for the fans.

In all the "Warcraft 2" excitement, a Tweet was released to confirm the sequel. For now, fans are still enjoying the first "Warcraft" in theaters. Are you part of The Alliance or The Horde?

Duncan jones, Entertainment, Video games