Nintendo Wii U Is Here to Stay, At Least For Now

Early this November, Eurogamer reported from several sources that Nintendo might be shutting down its production line for the Wii U. It has been floating around that the Nintendo Wii U's production line is now set to stop production and support for the console officially, and it may not be the case.

The Nintendo Wii U is currently the flagship video game console of the company alongside its widely-popular line of portable consoles in the form of the Nintendo 3ds. As 2017 haven't arrived yet, there is no console to replace the void that Wii U may leave behind.

Wii U did not sweep the video games market with its release back in 2012 having fallen short of the expected numbers and certainly did not see an improvement in the months and years that followed. For the past months, Nintendo was seen to focus on their new console, the Nintendo Switch, which is set for release in 2017. The Nintendo Switch is the successor to the video game console line of Nintendo, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be a hard replacement.

Telegraph UK reports that a Nintendo spokesman denies the floating rumors of the company dropping production for the Wii U, saying that there is no change to their production of the console. Moreover, IT Media reports that on the contrary, there are several titles that are scheduled for release on the Wii U console next year, making it very odd to imagine Nintendo stopping production.

Wii U will still stand as one of the video game console options alongside Nintendo Switch as it arrives. But if the reports turn out to be false, it would not be all too surprising as Nintendo has fallen short of being accurate with their media statements, taking notice of the 2012 denial of Nintendo about rumors of a larger 3dS model which turned out to be completely true only months later.

Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Nintendo Wii U