"Steven Universe" has been on hiatus since September and fans have been waiting patiently for the season to resume. Cartoon Network's popular animated show is said to air its "Gem Harvest" Episode by November 17.
The two-month hiatus will come to an end when season 4 airs its special episode "Gem Harvest" and as per reports, the said episode has been delayed multiple times nd fans have been worrying that it was a fake episode.
Luckily, the "Gem Harvest" episode for "Steven Universe" season 4 has been confirmed and will be airing on November 17 and it is said to be a half-hour special episode, similar to the episode "Bismuth" that aired in August.
The rest of Season 4 will also air as planned and there are reports that suggest Steven will be attaining new powers. The same report claims that this set of powers will be making an appearance in the show for the very first time. Moreover, these abilities will only be controllable by his Aunts.
In addition, it was reported that the much-awaited episode of Season 4 will feature Lapis Lazuli and Peridot making an attempt to turn vegetables into gems that will be able to perform human-like actions like walking and walking. There is also a possibility that the two characters will be fused in the upcoming episodes of Season 4. This is said to be possible because of the closeness the gems were able to establish amongst themselves.
There is also a video released that features a sneak peek into the special episode of "Steven Universe" Season 4 "Gem Harvest." Moreover, there is a description for the said episode.
"Steven works his magic and makes a pumpkin come to life! Lapis and Peridot are disappointed that the newly-living beast doesn't immediately take to them, but Steven (unknowingly) helps the pumpkin bond with its new gem-owners."
Fans have been reassured that the special episode "Gem Harvest" will definitely push through and that the episode "Three Gems and a Baby" will follow on December 1, 2016. Stay tuned to Jobs & Hire for more updates on "Steven Universe"