Niccholas Stern Says Climate Change Underestimated; Possible Catastrophic Change To Happen?

Climate change may have been underestimated as it was gauged ten years ago, according to Nicholas Stern's point of view. The author of the well talked about Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change contained statements released by Stern forecasting the future of the then climate change threat.

In 2006, Stern released the famous report about the social climate. He stated in the said report that the cost of actions taken to prevent climate change in the present is nothing compared to the cost of inaction that the future generation is expected to suffer.

Stern also predicted on the decade-old report that there will be about two to three degrees of temperature increase in the long run. His prediction, however, proves to be lower than the reality of four-degree temperature increase as he sees in the present.

In an interview, the former permanent secretary at the Treasury believes that the statement he released ten years ago may have underestimated the climate change. The increase in carbon emission seems to bay way higher than the amount of the planet and the atmosphere's carbon absorption making the global warming effects felt faster.

Stern believes that the climate change's effects being underestimated caused nations to act slowly than how they should be. The greenhouse gas emissions-curbing have been delayed that from the 40-41bn tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in 2006, there is now an alarming carbon dioxide amount of 50bn tons in the atmosphere, as per The Guardian.

Jim Yong Kim, the new World Bank president also expressed concern about the rapid increase in the climate change effects. He said that if the four-degree rise will be proven true, in the near future there will food and water fights everywhere.

On the other hand, the Paris climate talk's success last year is giving hope to Stern. He sees the acceleration on the move from Kyoto protocol that took eight years before implementation to the 11-month Paris agreement ratification, Think Progress reported.

Climate change, Global Warming