'The Last Of Us 2' Release Date, Latest News & Updates: Delayed Til 2020?

After the not-so-satisfying ending of "The Last of Us," fans are clamoring for a sequel. The big question is will it be an Ellie and Joel tandem that will grace us for "The Last of Us 2" or will it be another set of characters.

It has been 3 years since the first release of the first installment. Enthusiasts are growing restless day by day. To ease themselves, they improvised theories and spread rumors online about the long waited "The Last of Us 2."

Fans are torn in guessing the lead characters of "The Last of Us 2." Most of the theories online favor the old Ellie and Joel duo while some are ready to move on and accept new leading roles and a new setting. Others are just curious about the events that happened after the first game.

According to Neil Druckmann, they were experimenting on trials for different concepts within "The Last of Us" universe. This signifies that in "The Last of Us 2" the developers are willing to go with a different set of personalities.

As of now, Naughty Dog is not issuing any announcements regarding "The Last of Us 2." However, rumors began circulating online that the voice actor Nolan North said that the developers are initializing the development of the project.

"The Last of Us" had required three years and a half for its development to be completed. Taking that timeline into account, we may be looking at a release window for "The Last of Us 2" between 2020 or 2021," said Neil Druckmann in an interview from Fab Newz.

In an effort to distract the fans who are dying for "The Last of Us 2," Naughty Dog release a remastered version of "The Last of Us." Yet proved to be ineffective as there are few difficulties that are encountered regarding the remastered version with some home consoles.

Rumors will be rumors as long as there is no official announcement. Hopefully, we can have more information regarding "The Last of Us 2" when "Uncharted 4" is finished.

The Last of Us 2, Release Date, Games, Naughty dog