'Teen Wolf' Season 6 Spoilers, Release Date, News & Update: Kira Is Leaving; Allison Will Be Back?

The American sci-fi teen drama series, "Teen Wolf" which was developed by Jeff Davis had debuted its sixth season on Tuesday, November 15. "Teen Wolf" would be missing Kira's character as Arden Cho announced publicly that she would not be returning to the MTV drama on its sixth season.

On her YouTube video, the 31-year old actress expressed her much joy playing the role of Kira Yukimura in "Teen Wolf". She thanked the cast and the crew for the amazing opportunity she experienced in the show.

"I just want to say I love Kira Yukimura so much," Cho said. "I loved my experience on 'Teen Wolf.' I love the cast and crew, it's been an amazing three and a half years. It's gone by so fast, but unfortunately, it looks like we are wrapped up with Kira's storyline, and she won't be coming back for Season 6."

Despite Arden Cho's departure in "Teen Wolf" Season 6, it was rumored that Crystal Reed who played the role of Allison would be returning to the show. As remembered, Allison Argent died in season three finale of the show. So, would Allison's character be reincarnated?

According to Seventeen, Crystal Reed wasn't interested in returning to "Teen Wolf" but, as the executive producer, Jeff Davis explained the twist of its sixth season, Crystal was on board. It was reported that Crystal would not be playing Allison's character again but she would be playing as Marie-Jeanne Valet.

On "Teen Wolf" season 6 Marie-Jeanne Valet is an ancestor of the Argent family and the first person to defeat 'The Beast of Gevaudan', a man-eating wolf-like animal. Marie-Jeanne was called "Maid of Gevaudan" after she defeated the beast.

Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Malia and Liam would still be featured on "Teen Wolf" season 6 as they would be working together in defeating "Beast of Gevaudan". On its present year, it was stated that the said supernatural creature would be tormenting Beacon Hills.

Teen Wolf Season 6