'Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4’ News: ‘Road To Boruto’ DLC Gigantic Update Features 8-player Endless & Spectator Mode!

Last Monday, Bandai Namco Entertainment treats "Naruto Shippuden": "Ultimate Ninja Storm 4":"Road To Boruto" DLC fans with another exciting update: 8-player Endless Matches and Spectator Mode. In fact, the company added more new screenshots for "Naruto Shippuden": "Road to Boruto". And, that's something to look forward to everyone.

Originally, "Naruto Shippuden":"Road To Boruto" movie captures millions of Naruto Uzumaki fans. Now, it is the most sought after Japanese Anime around the world. Similarly, as it became a downloadable content game it swept almost everyone once again.

In a previous report by Jobs & Hire, Bandai Namco Entertainment extended "Naruto Shippuden": "Road To Boruto" with more Battle Mode, and Playable Characters. A week later, they made another expansion pack which is a free update for the game.

The Saiyan Island shares that previously Endless Battle Mode has solely 4 "Naruto Shippuden": "Road To Boruto" characters and the players can only view it from a static screen. Definitely, the latest update is a huge improvement. Hopefully, some more development will come.

The prior players are now extended to 8-player endless matches. Consequently, Bandai can recapture the players who lost interest because of the game's past failure. Some of them didn't like the less number of players and look forward to additional ones.

Aside from that, it's also important for the players to see the match properly which is exactly why the Spectator Mode is released. Likewise, the matches can now be observed well in a wider screen.

Further, Spiralling Sphere adds, "Naruto Shippuden": "Road To Boruto" also has fresh screenshots. Apparently, V-Jump magazine released the story mode and new move sets of Hokage Naruto & Sasuke photos on their publication.

"Naruto Shippuden": "Road To Boruto" will be out in the market this coming February 3, 2017. For more Boruto and Naruto updates, just stay tuned.

Naruto Shippuden, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Naruto Shippuden news, Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 updates