‘Power Rangers’ Movie Release Date,Latest News and Updates: A Sneak Peak To The Ranger’s Zords!

The world is excited after the release of the trailer for the 1993 "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" reboot. The fans will be seeing again the phenomenal masked hero series that took the world by storm after its initial release. After 23 awesome seasons and two major films, the rangers will be back and soon hit the silver screens.

The film, like other reboots, nowadays will be sporting the general ideas of the original source and reinventing them to suit the delicate tastes of the modern day audience. Dean Israelite's version of the film will follow the same storyline but as always there will be twists to look for.

The story will revolve around ordinary five high school outcasts from Angel Grove. The rebellious teens then entered a restricted area and in there, they found ranger coins which turned out to be their morphers. They soon discovered that the world is on the brink of an extra-terrestrial annihilation and they have to learn to use their newfound powers and work as a team to save the world.

As far as the trailer show, Rita, from the 1993 show will be coming back as the villain for the "Power Rangers" movie. The 2017 Rita is far from the previous one as the outfit resembles more of a mix between Scorpina and Jungle Fury villain Camille.

Like the 1993 show, the red ranger will be having a T-Rex as his sword and the Pterodactyl for the pink ranger. Yellow ranger will have the same sabre-toothed tiger but slightly different as the zord has a cannon attached to its back. Blue ranger's zord will be the same triceratops but slightly troubling as the toy show the zord having six legs. A total revamp for the black ranger as the mastodon zord will be turned into a somewhat like a beetle.

Featuring Dacre Montgomery as Jason, RJ Cyler as Billy, Naomi Scott as Kimberly, Becky G as Trini, Ludi Lin as Zack, Bryan Cranston as Zordon, Bill Hader as Alpha 5, and Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa, "Power Ranger" will be hitting the theaters March next year.

Power Rangers, Movies