'Game Of Thrones' Season 7 Gives Way First To 'Winds Of Winter': Stark and Targarayen Union Hinted; Heartbreaking Death Abound!

People are waiting for intriguing medieval-fantasy "Game of Thrones" Season 7 for obvious reasons. While the crew films, Game of Thrones/ A Song of Ice and Fire Author George R.R. Martin will drop the sixth book in the series entitled "Winds of Winter".

The bad news is the completion date of his book is unclear but the good news is that it would come out before Season 7 is released according to iTech Post. It's not that bad really to wait, though -- season 7 is scheduled to show up next year!

Before "Game of Thrones" Season 7 comes out, we saw the "Mother of Dragons" -- powerful Daenerys Targaryen -- aboard a ship with her three dragons now completely under her control. Her fleet now moves from Mereen to Westeros to complete her attempt to conquer the throne. The "Winds of Winter" book will likely tell the tale of how Daenerys and Jon Snow -- the bastard Stark -- would meet and unite to conquer the throne and the world.

The "Game of Thrones" Season 7 will likely have a plot based on the original manuscript of George R.R. Martin for the sixth book. Fans speculate that -- considering everything happening in the universe -- the Targaryen and Stark families would unite. Bastard Stark Jon Snow could claim his family name and probably marry Daenerys -- a common theory among fans. The actors of Daenerys and Jon, respectively Emilia Clarke and Kit Harrington, are now dating in real life.

In an interview, George R.R. Martin said himself that "Winds of Winter" would result in a famous character's death. The book and the show are infamous with the death of main characters. Speaking of deaths, Digital Trends has listed the most memorable deaths.

Nothing will be answered unless the show airs, the book drops or George R.R. Martin decides to spoil everything (which he would not do probably). Stay tuned for more news updates about Game of Thrones and its latest season!

Game of Thrones Season 7, Winds of Winter