'The Flash' Season 3 News & Updates: Vibe Will Appear To Solve Saga Altering Season

Carlos Valdes, who's playing Cisco, is spotted rocking the Vibe costume on "The Flash" Season 3. The heroes will be up for a big problem this new season that will change everything for the saga.

Valdes was spotted wearing leather costume for the superhero Vibe. The leather costume is colored black, red and yellow with most of the costume colored black.

"The Vibe costume has a sleeve and quilted upper sleeve which is reminiscent of the outfit of the superhero's Prime Earth Version in the comics. It is also different from Vibe's Earth-2 version Reverb who has an outfit of only two tones." IBTimes reported.

Aside from Carlos Valdes, Grant Gustin, Keiynan Lonsdale and Violett Beane were spotted also filming on the same location. "The Flash" Season 3 will also introduce a new female character wearing a leather long sleeved top and combat pants, the identity of this character is yet to be known.

According to Andrew Kreisberg, the show runner of the series, Barry has to deal with a big problem that will change the entire saga. The team will face a problem that they have never faced before.

"This new threat would guide the second half of the season. Andrew Kreisberg said that the change is massive they are considering changing the opening intro. Flashpoint won't loom as large as the challenge that presents itself in 309," GamesNGuide reported.

The site also reported that epic crossover healed the friendship between Barry and Cisco. "The Flash" Season 3 show runner assured fans that Team Flash is equipped to face this new issue.

In the last episode, the team had a crossover with "Supergirl" and "Arrow." In this crossover, The Flash and Green Arrow has to fight Supergirl and Dominators to save the day.

Jobs & Hire reported that the battle against the Dominators that Supergirl became under the control of the dominators. The site reported that the CW network was able to pull off a four night DC crossover with "Supergirl" Season 2. The exciting new episode of "The Flash" Season 3 will be showing on Dec. 6 with the title "The Present."

The Flash, The Flash Season 3