Donald Trump On Abortion: “There Has To Be Some Form Of Punishment”

On July 9, 2016, a 30-year old female named Jamie Lee died after submitting herself to an abortion procedure by a surgeon named Dr. Robert Rho in Queens, New York. In October, the grand jury reviewing the case indicted Dr. Rho of 2nd-degree manslaughter for criminal negligence on top of grave medical malpractice.

Q: What is the connection between the 2nd-degree manslaughter conviction of a New York-based doctor and POTUS Donald Trump's stance against abortion? A: It is the possible overhaul of the "Roe v. Wade" constitutional clause that deems abortion legal.

A report published by Buzzfeed underscores the fact that such ruling was rare (and highly controversial) given that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) records merely 4 deaths out of 699,202 successful abortions as of 2012. Essentially, abortion has never been a contentious procedure for the past several decades.

Clearly, if Donald Trump proves adamant in putting down current abortion clauses, the conviction of Dr. Rho would indeed become his first (and most potent) incendiary arsenal. The mere fact that a heavy 15-year sentence is being read by jurors hailing from the allegedly 'most abortion-friendly state' might potentially reinforce Trump's future policies.

An article published by the National Public Radio recalls anti-abortion law observed during the Reagan administration in the 1980's and analyzed how Donald Trump might possibly reinstate that bygone policy. One needs to consider that during his campaign interviews, he was very vocal about issuing punishment on both parties (the physician and the patient) who consent and participate in abortion.

For someone who is considered a hardline conservative, Donald Trump might need to smooth some serious wrinkles in terms of being a stalwart champion of family values. A chronicle by Jobs & Hire discussed his rumored divorce with the wife Melania Trump. Although such a speculation is proven false, his enemies could poke bigger holes in that issue.

Donald Trump