The trailer of the live-action adaptation of the hit Japanese Anime/Manga "Ghost In The Shell" indeed went viral months after its first release. Now Japanese fans could enjoy it even more as its Japanese Teaser came out Thursday (December 15, 2016), reports say.
As per Anime News Network, the Japanese trailer of the film can now be streamed and it bears a shorter version of teaser at 1:06 time. The video also contain phonetic katakana of the title "Ghost in the Shell" instead of its Japanese name "Kokaku Kidotai" in Kanji which is the used title in other franchise in Japan,added the report.
Aside from the title, the teaser video also has Japanese subtitles as well as Japanese narration dub. It contains some similar scenes with the original American trailer and other new angles compressed into a minute-long clip for the fans to enjoy, as of Science Fiction
The "Ghost in the Shell" stars Scarlett Johansson as Major Motoko Kusanagi, a cyborg field commander of the Public Security Sec. 9 in the Japanese National Public Safety Commission. Other characters involve.Pilou Asbæk as Batou, Michael Pitt as the Laughing man and Juliette Binoche as Dr. Oulet. The film is directed by Rupert Sanders, who also directed "Snow White and The Huntsman."
As remembered, controversies came after the official trailer's release with some fans saying the film was "Whitewashed." On the other hand, many fans still commend Sander's film and say it was given justice and even modernized following the theme and story plot of the hit Anime.
The live-action adaptation is co-produced and co-financed by Dreamworks and Paramount Pictures. It is set to hit the theaters in March 31, 2017 and will be released in Japan a week after on April 7, 2017.
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