Here's Why Women Make Better Investors Than Men

Investors should be flexible, patient, a risk taker and have strong emotional control. Nowadays, the business world is being run by both men and women, but could women be better investors?

According to The Star, women make better investors despite the investing community being viewed as dominated by men. Some say women tend to invest conservatively, start late and save too little. Men are excellent investors as well. But some research say otherwise.

For one, while men could do things too much, women use just the right amount of confidence. Because of that, a study found out that open portfolio turnovers for women were 9% a year, compared with 14% for men, as reported by Money Mag.

Women set their eye on longer term investment. They tend to look at the future result of the value in marketing rather than just fixing on the present. If their stock begins to lose or decrease its value, they tend to wait for further results rather than just acting out and selling the stock immediately.

Despite their quality of being hostile to risks, they still recognize the quality of their stock even though it is already failing. They also have the quality to be still and be patient to just wait for whatever resulted.

Moreover, women think first before doing something, which helps them get much better results. They also know what things they usually need especially products that are worth it for a long time. Women know what the products trend are and what are used by millions of mothers and females around the world. This is a great quality to know which company is to invest on while it is still young and rapidly growing.

Despite women having these three qualities, men still have their own strengths at investing. Like having more knowledge than women in investing and they save less. Yet, wouldn't it be great if men and women investors could just combine skills to make a successful investment?

Investment, Gender equality, Business Women, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, Business, Business news, Business tips, Career, Career Advice, Career tips