Sony PlayStation Virtual Reality Delayed? Maybe Not

PlayStation followers are reportedly in a frantic state hearing that Sony may have lost the virtual reality race since its recent announcement that Sony's PlayStation VR headset won't ship until fall.

This pushes PlayStation's timeline further as the significant delay has stunted its summer launching which puts the company is last place in this year's VR releases because the Oculus Rift is ready to ship this March and the HTC Vive is aiming for April.

But reports have confirmed that this may be untrue and that Sony is still going to release its latest VR launch by summer. CNET has been able to reach Sony for a comment on the matter. "GameStop was speculating and we have not released any further details on launch timing," stated Sony when interviewed.

In GameStop's defense, they have also released their own statement. To clarify, Sony has not officially announced a release date for PlayStation VR", says GameStop's spokesperson. The company further explained that CEO Paul Raines that the launch will happen this year for the PlayStation VR.

Contrary to the reports, a video interview with Fox Business shows that GameStop CEO Paul Raines doesn't actually say the PlayStation VR won't ship until fall. "We will launch the Sony product this fall" were his actual words.

Sony users have been eager to see the VR launch as Oculus and Samsung have already been hot on the virtual reality platform selling their headsets directly to customers. It is unclear if Sony will sell it via retail or through their official stores as of yet.

Whatever the case may be, consumers are much more interested as to which virtual reality device or headset will be able to give them a great customer experience at an affordable price.

Virtual reality, Technology, Business, Finance, Investment, Virtual Reality headset