Ways To Get Ahead Of Your Colleagues In A Competitive Environment

Working in a cutthroat competitive environment is very rewarding and definitely has its perks, but it can also be very stressful. The pressure of staying on top of your game is ever-present, so Monster gives you some tips to make sure you don't fall behind.

In a competitive environment, you need to watch your back - and also get ahead whenever possible. Working on outmaneuvering your colleagues is not too difficult if you just remember a few things.

1. Be a team player

As counter intuitive as this may sound, by helping others you are actually helping yourself. If you don't steal from others' credit where credit is due to them, you can be the employee everyone wants to work with and the bosses want to give responsibility to.

If you get things done, stay proactive and learn to play like a team player, you are actually earning points with the management and other employees, too. You are the leader who will be given opportunities for promotions and special projects," he explains.

This way you are also opening up the way for others to help you when you need it, because you are the guy people want to help. It's a win-win.

2. Don't be afraid to take charge

Identify something that needs done and needs leadership to manage the work. Then do it. Create an internal team and further your boss' agenda. Experts also advise taking an idea and making it into something everyone owns, thus being a team player as well as a leader in the same role.

Let the team trust that you won't do anything that might put them at risk or embarrass them. Make them a part of the praise, and schedule personal meetings with the boss at the same time, too. If you're not tripping over yourself trying to prove that you are the man behind this endeavor, the fact will come to light on its own and the spotlight will automatically shine on you.

Workplace, Work