How You Could Be Self-Destructing Your Own Career

It would shock you (or perhaps it would not!) how easy it is to sabotage your own career unintentionally. Make one indiscreet comment on social media or one careless remark about someone important and you'll be labeled as unstable or unprofessional. Monster helps you identify the biggest ways we are all at risk of self-destruction where our careers are concerned.

1. Being a blabbermouth

Sharing TMI (too much information) is a taboo at the workplace for a reason: it is unprofessional and against etiquette, and only tends to make things awkward for everyone.

Display some emotional intelligence and know when to talk and when not to: it is the most important skill you will acquire over a lifetime.

2. Being negative

Problems are a part of life and they are certainly a part of work life, but seeing the bright side is something you have to learn to do at the workplace and in life in general, too.

Don't be obnoxious about the boss. Don't talk and gossip about your problems with the management; instead, take it up with the people in question and solve it with grace and professionalism.

Bad management of your online reputation

Be very, very vigilant about the image you choose to show the world - and by extension your work colleagues and bosses - about your life. Be smart about social media: it is out there for everyone to see. Avoid embarrassing pictures. Avoid juvenile comments filled with slang.

3. Letting your skills mildew

Don't let mould grow on your skills, just like you wouldn't let things in your home rust. Skills need using and polishing for them to stay relevant and for you to stay up to date. Don't take a super long career break and lose touch. Stay in the know.

4. Getting too friendly with the boss

While it's great to have a mentor, being attached to the hip to your manager is a bad, bad idea. Not to mention slightly creepy. Don't take your 'good work relationship' with the boss to an extreme. You are only losing credibility and coming across as a glad-handler.

Career, Work, Job