Are You The Work-From-Home Kind Of Person?

What kind of people work from home, and what kind of people can't? With telecommuting all the rage for a while now, Monster talks about what kind of people cannot work from home.

When you swap from working at the office to working from home, are you just exchanging one list of problems for another?

If you have these qualities, or this is you, then you should probably reconsider the idea of telecommuting.

1. You like being involved

A lot of people have this fear of missing out - and it is very real. When you're physically in the same place as your company and colleagues, you can feel out of the loop and your motivation can plummet.

If you feel like you have no idea what is going on in the outside world and feel cut off from everything, you will probably be uncomfortable working from home.

2. You are the social butterfly

Do you crave social interaction? Does the human angle factor strongly you're your work motivation? If you are the kind that thrives in socially active settings, telecommuting might not be great for you.

If you have always needed regular breaks at the water cooler to chat with your co-workers, it might be a lot harder to adjust to working from home.

3. You get easily distracted

When people decide to work from home, they usually do it because they want the facility and comfort, or they want to be easily reachable for family or children. But these comforts can turn into distractions and can take away from the performance of your work.

Boundaries between work and home can blur, something unlikely to happen at the office, which is very clearly for the purpose of work.

At home, however, your dog or children might need attention. People might come to the door, or the TV might be too loud. If you cannot draw clear lines- both physical and time wise - when you're working from home, telecommuting might not be for you.

Work, Work from home, Job