Jennifer Aniston 2016: Pregnancy And Her Career Life With Husband Justin Theroux

One would think it is easy to be someone like Jennifer Aniston but the former FRIENDS actress is not living the life. The actress revealed her frustrations about the media's treatment with her and the women in the inudstry.

Recently, Jennifer Aniston went on a vacation with her husband Justin Theroux. As with all vacations, the squad lets loose. In Aniston's case, she wore a bikini. It would not have been a big deal to see a woman in a bikini at the beach - unless you're Jennifer Aniston. The media jumped on her physique straight away claiming that Jennifer Aniston is pregnant. According to reports, her decision to procreate or not has been a media focus ever since she was married to Brad Pitt.

Her marriage to Justin Theroux only increased the media sensation. Now, Aniston is fed up and wrote an essay that explains why her personal life and career life is currently a frustration because of the media. She titled the post "For the Record." "Since I'm not on social media, I decided to put my thoughts here in writing. For the record, I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up. I'm fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body shaming that occurs daily under the guise of "journalism," explains Aniston. She also pointed fingers at the First Amendment and celebrity news.

The media's intrusion to her private life has been extensive and invasive. "The objectification and scrutiny we put women through is absurd and disturbing," she goes on to explain.

Being an actress and a celebrity, she is an automatic target for the media. She went on to explain that just because she was on the beach wearing a bikini, that does not mean she has let herself go or she is pregnant.

Jennifer Aniston has still remained a strong example to women and beauty regardless of the media's scrutiny and intensified pregnancy rumors. Read her whole treatise here.

Jennifer Aniston, Entertainment, Celebrity, Acting Career