Everyone is busy hustling these days. Everybody is trying to earn a living but some professionals are most likely earning more than some.
There are jobs that pay $100,000 or more and if you are trying to bump up your salary, these are the jobs that you can look into.
Keep in mind though that most of these jobs are reliant on commission and bonuses while the rest are based on the base salary. Check out some of the jobs that pay high, according to Glassdoor, in no particular order.
1. Software Architect - With a base salary of $130,000, software architects have a bachelor's degree in math or software engineering. You need some coding skills for this kind of work.
2. Regional Sales Executive - With a median pay of $103,500, professionals in this line of work needs to be equipped in knowing what the customer needs.
3. Special Agent - These men and women have a background in military or criminal justice, with a base salary of $121,000.
4. Drilling Engineer - With a base salary of $106,680, these engineers have a bachelor's degree in petroleum or mechanical engineering.
5. A physician's assistant is somewhat similar to a physician but earns about $100,000 as a base salary.
6. Airline pilots earn about $120,000 as a base salary with a background in physics or aviation.
7. Geophysicists earn a median pay of $119,380.
8. Banks also have positions for Equity Research Associates. These professionals have a less demanding investment banking position that earns a median pay of $100,000.
9. A Dentist earns about $125,000 base salary.
10. Reservoir engineers earn about $125,000 too with a degree in chemical engineering.
11. Nurse Practitioners earn $100,000 with some states requiring additional certifications.
Have you found the job you want? Or do you have the same background but are not reaching your earning potential?