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Watch Sleepy Hollow Season 1 Episode 7 Online [FREE LIVE STREAM] Someone is Returning for Abbie! [LIVE STREAM VIDEO]

Sleepy Hollow season 1 episode 7 will surely be an action-packed episode with all the exciting twists and turns for our main characters. And this week, it seems that someone is going to pay a visit at Sleepy Hollow, only to reveal that he is the sole protector of Abbie when the apocalyptic doomsday comes. But Abbie is a little too preoccupied in helping Ichabod that she doesn't really pay attention to the caveat. Don't miss this Monday night's show. You can either tune in to FOX at 9/8c, or watch Sleepy Hollow season 1 episode 7 online using the free live stream link below.
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